
At Scarlett Begonia, supporting our community has always been and will continue to be one of our greatest priorities. We receive multiple requests for donations each day, and are unfortunately not able to donate cash, merch or gift certificates to more than a few. In order to help as many people as possible, we now offer $5 off $20 coupons/certificates for your distribution.

If you are looking for support, fundraising, we are happy to donate a collection of $5 off $20 purchase coupons for you to distribute as you wish. These are perfect for auctions, giveaways, party favors, and more!

We ask non-profits and organizations to fill out the form below, letting us know how many certificates they would like (up to the limits listed below). Your request will be automatically approved. You will need to come by our restaurant during business hours, to show some proof of your event or organization affiliation. Our manager will check our database and provide you with the certificates requested. Certificates must be picked up within 1 week of request


MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter a number from 1 to 20.